
beauty thru the fog...

                                                       good morning maui!
glad i could come and visit you.
too bad my memories are all but a foggy blur.
a theraflu drugged out blurrrrr.
while derek was working his ass off & this beauty was going on...

 i was doing this.
this is me on the beach.
for 3 straight days.
high on theraflu
with a fever and the hottest throat i've ever experienced.
all while watching the whales migrate & turtles play

 and the whitest people you've ever seen snorkling.
and having zero desire to do anything but bury myself in the warm sand because i was shivering.

 awwww & here was our 1 hour together & our 1 memory of the week. 
he worked so hard while over there. i missed him everyday...

 we both keep joking that we need a serious DO-OVER trip!!

then it was all over & the loot was delivered & we were all a big happy family again.

before derek left for the 16 days, he wrote a little love note to us girls. 
see the tear drop from camille while she was reading the note? 
they hate when daddy leaves.
FYI- in case you were wondering... i really got a good tan while being buried in the warm sand. but you'd never know it because of how quickly it's faded. i really like a tan in the winter. 
droche- can't wait to do it again. next time with a clear head!

1 comment:

  1. Valient effort huh! Next time my love... And there will be a next time!

