
in celebration...

remember that 16 years ago there was no pintrest, wedding blogs, did we even own a computer then? 

this picture below is my inspiration for an 
"all things if i was marrying DEREK again today" post.

i love this!!!
 her hair, his hair... her dress, his bracelets. 
love love love

he would have preposed with one of these canary sparklers.
i of course would say YES YES YES

the anniversary party would be in palm springs on a warm evening, pool side under twinkle lights cluttered with every friend and loved one that we knew.
i would be wearing this

or this

just derek & i would head off somewhere romantical like this

 become man & wife in a very simple ceremony all while wearing this... 
i adore this dress so so much.
                                        but i do love this too. the hat isn't too far off either...
 maybe derek would be wearing that then we could be matchy matchy with our gold sparkle.

makeup and hair right here

this bunch would seranade us. do i even need to tell you why i would chose them?

this couple who i also have a BIG love for would document the whole deal. they r special.

& then we would send you all this picture announcing the great news that we were officially:


that was fun.


repins. the home addition...

i love my home / i hate my home. 
some days i want to put up a big "IT'S ALL FOR SALE" sign out front. 
then other days, i feel overwhelmed with all that derek and i have invested in this little place. 

"FINISHED!" will never ever ever in the history of roche homeowning ever be a word that we will feel about this home, our past homes or our future living spaces.
 work in progress is just our jam, by now i'm pretty sure u all know this about us. 

so.... the below pintrest images aspire me to reach for the decorating stars and try... 
just try & go that extra mile kel... let's do this and get a space done for the love of god!!



happy long weekend to you!! 
 off to find some warm weather & try to rejuvenate my non existent tan.


beauty thru the fog...

                                                       good morning maui!
glad i could come and visit you.
too bad my memories are all but a foggy blur.
a theraflu drugged out blurrrrr.
while derek was working his ass off & this beauty was going on...

 i was doing this.
this is me on the beach.
for 3 straight days.
high on theraflu
with a fever and the hottest throat i've ever experienced.
all while watching the whales migrate & turtles play

 and the whitest people you've ever seen snorkling.
and having zero desire to do anything but bury myself in the warm sand because i was shivering.

 awwww & here was our 1 hour together & our 1 memory of the week. 
he worked so hard while over there. i missed him everyday...

 we both keep joking that we need a serious DO-OVER trip!!

then it was all over & the loot was delivered & we were all a big happy family again.

before derek left for the 16 days, he wrote a little love note to us girls. 
see the tear drop from camille while she was reading the note? 
they hate when daddy leaves.
FYI- in case you were wondering... i really got a good tan while being buried in the warm sand. but you'd never know it because of how quickly it's faded. i really like a tan in the winter. 
droche- can't wait to do it again. next time with a clear head!